
Time, Framed.

‘ The trajectory of a year as described through material, color and light. A measure of the immeasurable. A frame for that which has no form ’


Time, Framed. A collaboration between Czech-America artist Marta Abbott and creative consulting studio, Naessi. A calendar. The trajectory of a year as described through material, color and light. A measure of the immeasurable. A frame for that which has no form.

Time, Framed. A subversion of an established, scientific definition for an instrument of measure. In this case a calendar created to mark each month through the juxtaposition of a structured system against immeasurable, intuitive elements that reflect the poetry of time as well as its alchemical nature.

Each translucent page of the calendar corresponds to a month of the year. As the paper allows for the passage of light, it creates a new juxtaposition of form and color with the turning of each page through the ink applied and the graphic elements present. Twelve months, hanging one in front of the other, creating layers of time and color, display not only the present, but also shadowy traces of past and future. Time, Framed. gives dimension to that which cannot be measured and frames that which has no true form.