
Hour of the Rose

‘ Not only would flowers cover surfaces, they would cascade down from the ceiling, filling the room with a scent so strong it was almost nauseating, especially because the feasts lasted hours, if not days. The roses’ presence was so encompassing at these meals that they became known as “the hour of the rose ’



Pietra Viva

“ Flesh, marble, flower, Venus, it’s you I believe in!
Chair, marbre, fleur, Vénus, c’est en toi que je crois!”

Arthur Rimbaud




The images are also an invitation to find the light of the stars in places one might not always think to look.



A Book of Night Skies

Fragments of the universe



Bearers of Light

It demonstrates that which is essential and which gives form, even if it has no permanent shape of its own.



Ink Tests

Color and material investigations



Time, Framed.

The trajectory of a year as described through material, color and light. A measure of the immeasurable. A frame for that which has no form.



Flora Mundi

A divine connection between heaven and earth that allows the two realms to communicate, and that is often perceived to be the center of the universe.



Block Island Seaweed

Create reference to the crucial and symbiotic relationship between land and sea in places whose borders are formed by shores, like Block Island.




They are stories of time and place.



Vessels for light

A series inspired by the book ‘In Praise of Shadows’ by Junchiro Tanizaki, a text that discusses the importance of both light and shadow in appreciating and understanding the quiet beauty of the world, of our surroundings, and of everyday life.




Atramentum is an open-ended series of natural inks.